Monday 5 December 2011

Empire Design, further contact

I decided to get in touch with Empire Design again, as I really enjoyed my week's experience I did over the Summer, here are some emails

 email I sent in Late October regarding interest in experience again,

 reply from ^^

I suggest the first week of the Christmas Holidays, the middle and final weeks would be too short due to bank holidays and me returning to Leeds

A reply I got, suggesting longer than a week over Easter, this sounds better than a week at Christmas as I think it would all be quite rushed and hectic!
So far so good

Thursday 20 October 2011

First Crit Feedback


- research appropriate publishers for the book covers
- NPG (iconic exhibition promotion?) explore promotional products (tickets, guides, scale posters, banners)
- Book covers - consider box set contents? (stickers, book marks, in store display, fold out poster?)
- Neaten g2 covers, consider typeface, layout, do 12

Thursday 22 September 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011

WEBSITE FOR ROOT, alterations

I decided to change the homepage images. At the moment I had half photographs, half images that could represent each designer. I think the images for each designer are better, they demonstrate the type of work we like individually, in a cheerful way.

each rollover image is the designers name, in a different colour, so that the name is legible, also I want the homepage to be bright and different, I basically see these four icons as a bit of imagery that viewers can interactive with a bit. 

I thought this page was a bit dull, so I brightened it up a bit.. 

created a rollover, bright pink, keeping the viewer interested. 

I thought I should make the descriptions with more depth, at the moment I basically just named them. I added a brief description of what our company was asked to do.

This is how it looked once you click on the icon:

I have created links to each of our blogs on the work page to show further work.
I also resized each of the icon boxes in the coding so that they are exactly the same size.

ABOUT page

I changed the rollover image from 'that works for you' (too cheesy), to 'personally designed'